How to Build Awareness As an Online Business Advisor

December 19, 2021 by Patricia Bennett

An online business advisor is an industry-related strategist who assists your business with planning, budgeting, marketing, and even development. They plan budgets, give advice on projects and marketing, and do a risk analysis to improve your productivity and profitability.

An online business consultant can also help you build awareness using various digital tools. It goes without saying how crucial and challenging it is for businesses to raise brand awareness in today’s highly competitive e-commerce world. After all, 89% of marketers claim that brand awareness is their top business goal.

Brand awareness refers to how familiar your target audience is with your brand and how well they perceive it.

When you create awareness for your #brand, you enhance your chances of generating #leads and increasing #sales. Click To Tweet

So, how can online business advisors build brand awareness? This post will look at some of the most impactful strategies that they can leverage to build a brand awareness campaign for your business.

Know Your Target Audience

To create awareness, you need to know your target audience. Your target audience is not everyone but those who are most likely to be interested in your products or services. Thus, brand awareness results from placing your brand ahead of many qualified and targeted prospects as possible.

To do this, an online business consultant conducts thorough market research and identifies your target audience’s demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and interests. Then, they will aid you with various digital marketing tools and strategies to grow your client base.

Competitor Analysis - Target Audience

Knowing and defining a target audience helps advisors better engage with them, ensuring that customers seamlessly move through the sales funnel. Targeting a specific audience who are more likely to buy from you will also enable business advisors to develop more effective marketing strategies while saving a lot of time and money along the way.

Raise Awareness Through Your Website

Nowadays, websites and blog posts are considered essential for any business. In other words, think of your website as the heart of your business and marketing efforts. With the right web design, tools, and strategies, an online business consultant helps promote your website and gain more traffic in no time.

Having a well-designed website, making sure it is optimized for search engine optimization (SEO), or partnering with established websites via guest blogging are some of the best ways to draw attention to your website.

After all, a growing number of website visitors is a good indication that your brand awareness is flourishing. Hence, online business consultants use website visitor tracking tools to better focus on the channels that bring them more quality leads and modify their marketing strategies as required.

SEO optimization

Raising awareness through the website requires professional training and staying tuned with the latest trends and developments. Effective website branding can establish your presence in the digital world and provide a more user-friendly experience for your customers. Your website is your brand’s online home, so improve its efficacy by working with an experienced online business advisor who applies extensive expertise for achieving the best results.

Build Awareness Using Social Media

Social media can help get your brand in front of targeted people who don’t otherwise know about you. Social media offers an excellent platform for brands to develop more trustable and meaningful customer relationships, in addition to having the opportunity to get discovered by new clients.

Integrating social media into your website creates a virtuous cycle that constantly engages your audience and drives them back to your site for getting the conversions you want.

Build Awareness Using Social Media

Source: HootSuite

●      Instagram

Instagram is one of the most popular and promising social media platforms among marketers worldwide. With 90% of users who follow at least one brand on the app, Instagram has tremendous potential, giving it an edge over its competitors.

Business advisors use many best practices to draw in more targeted and engaged Instagram followers. Setting up strategic influencer marketing campaigns, using the best Instagram growth service, employing hashtag strategy, or investing in Instagram ads are valuable strategies to boost your awareness on the platform.

Besides Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are among the most widely used social media platforms for building online brand awareness.

Run Strategic Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Generally, influencers have large and engaged communities, which means that many consumers listen keenly to what they say or endorse. Consumers trust recommendations from influencers more than traditional advertisements or businesses. Influencer marketing has proven effective, as brands earned an average of $5.78 for every $1 spent on influencer marketing in 2017.

Business advisors can start powerful influencer-marketing campaigns by finding the right, niche-relevant influencers aligned with your brand and organizational values. Sometimes, online business advisors turn to top influencer marketing companies to minimize the risk of selecting inappropriate influencers. Since they have different skills, including negotiation or strategic planning, it is easier for them to run and manage successful influencer marketing relationships.

Top 10 Business Advisor Skills That Can Be Beneficial for Your Business

Source: Mario (Top 10 Business Advisor Skills That Can Be Beneficial for Your Business)

Create a podcast

On the quest for achieving greater brand awareness, create or sponsor a series of relevant podcasts that add value to listeners’ lives and work wonders for your brand awareness. Because many podcasts deal with niche topics, they can quickly bring your brand in front of a targeted and interested audience.

As with video and infographics, audio content has grown in popularity. Between 2015 and 2016, podcast listenership increased by 23%. And compared to the numbers in 2013, podcast listenership has risen more than 75%. Some popular podcasts even get millions of listeners each time they publish new episodes.

Since some people in your target audience do not have the time to sit and read your lengthy weblogs or keep up with you on social media channels, business advisors leverage podcasts to boost brand visibility further.

Final Note

An online business advisor can significantly benefit your business, especially in increasing brand awareness on the market. This article reviewed some of the best strategies and tools that online business consultants employ to build brand awareness in front of the right people.

Moreover, these professionals can be a priceless addition to your business in cutting unnecessary spending and enhancing conversion and ROI rates. Additionally, an experienced business advisor will provide you with a roadmap for evolving your business over time. The advisor will act as your guide and mentor to help you take your business to new heights. With a business advisor backing you, you will spend more time focusing on the management side of tasks and your vision (where your presence is required) and less worrying about strategy, marketing, licensing, and beyond.