How To Choose The Best Cloud Hosting Service

October 20, 2019 by Steve Marks

Whatever the reason you’re creating a website, you should consider using a cloud hosting service. By using dedicated cloud hosting, you’re ensuring that your data is always accessible, and you can quickly respond to any outages. However, not all cloud hosting services are created equal. You shouldn’t choose the first option you find.

If you take care of the #hosting you choose, you can save yourself a lot of frustration later on. Click To Tweet

Here is what you should be looking for when choosing the most reliable cloud hosting.

Minimal Downtime and Customer Support

No matter what hosting you end up choosing, downtime is going to be a reality. No hosting is perfect in this regard. However, some hosting services have more downtime than others. Look at user reviews to see if people have had consistent problems. If you see a range of complaints about long outages, you should steer clear.

Perhaps more important is how the service handles downtime. When you’re running a website, nothing is more frustrating than problems with your hosting. There’s very little you can do about it. That is why, when anything goes wrong, your hosting service needs to be communicative and take responsibility. Knowing that they have things under control is hugely reassuring. You can plan around the problem, rather than waiting in hope for things to go back to normal.

Global Servers

Your hosting service doesn’t need to offer servers around the world. This is especially true if you are running a niche website for people specifically from your city or country. However, if you are expecting traffic from around the globe, global servers can streamline the user experience.

The closer your servers are to the location of your visitors, the quicker your website will run.

While a simple blog won’t suffer from a little less speed, data-heavy websites will. So, if your website needs to handle a lot of data, global servers can make the difference you need.

Adaptable Plans

If you have created a website before, you’re probably aware that plans rarely go the way you expect them to. A small blog can turn into a major aggregator. A simple company website can become a major e-commerce service.

For this reason, the hosting you choose should allow you to change plans with ease. It should not be a big deal, but rather a feature that comes with the package. You may need to change multiple times, depending on where your website takes you.

Different Price Points

When you’re building a business website, money should be less of an issue. Ultimately, this is an investment you have to make, and you’ll make back whatever you spend. However, if you’re making a personal website or blog, you will likely pay more attention to the differences in value.

Good hosting services will offer options that cater to every price range. You’ll find options that you can use even if you’re starting from nothing. At some point, you can upgrade without having to break the bank.

Cloud hosting services should adapt to your needs rather than the other way around. Choose a service that is right for you, and don’t settle for whatever happens to catch your eye first.

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