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Build Your Brand: How to Promote Your Website and Increase Traffic

Build Your Brand: How to Promote Your Website and Increase Traffic

As of writing, there are nearly 2 billion websites live. Drawing attention to your website can be a chore, but not if you know how to best promote your site. With the right web design, tools and plans, you’ll have more traffic in no time. Here’s everything you need to know about how to promote your website.

Start With a Digital Marketing Plan

Attracting an audience can seem like an insurmountable task. If you’re a new website trying to draw attention, you may feel like you’re standing at the foot of Mt. Everest. Click To Tweet

But with the right strategies, even Mt. Everest is climbable, and the same can be said of your desire to increase website traffic. There’s no easy way here. You can’t just google “write my essays online” and get help like you did in college. Driving traffic to a website starts with a great plan.

Begin by analyzing your target audience so you can better target your advertising. Next, set goals. Create a series of milestones you’d like to achieve within the next month, six months, year, and so on. The clearer your objectives, the better, according to this digital marketing plan specialty site.

Guest Blog

Part of your strategy to drive website traffic will need to include a healthy dose of content creation. Blogging is still a great way to get eyes on your website. But if you’ve yet to cultivate an audience of your own, it can feel like your words fall upon deaf ears. That’s where guest blogging comes in handy.

Through a guest blogging agreement, you’ll partner with another, more established website to publish one of your posts. Doing so will not only grant you an opportunity to win over a larger audience through content and comments, but it’s a fantastic way to get your name out and about.

Use Social Media

Social media is one of the simplest, most affordable ways to reach an audience. Namely, because it’s so popular. It’s estimated that there are 2.77 billion social media users around the globe.

All you need to do to reach them is make yourself accessible! Create pages on any social sites your audience visits. Then, start creating great content and cross-posting to social media. Soon you’ll start to see more traffic and better post engagement, and you can even buy likes to get you started. Take note of that post engagement. You’ll want to respond to your audience as much as possible to foster a relationship and inspire loyalty.

Optimize Your Website

No matter how thorough your marketing plan is, you won’t achieve success unless you have a well-designed website. Before you launch your site,  choose a good engine to build your website, make sure it’s optimized for search engine optimization, or SEO, which determines how your site ranks on popular search engines. Some factors influence search ranking and visibility, include:

You can also use Google Maps to list your business.

A Few Quick Words on How to Promote Your Website

Promoting your website doesn’t have to be a challenge. Creating and following a plan, partnering with established websites, reaching out to your audience, and making sure your site is well-optimized are all fantastic ways to draw attention to your site. If you’d like to know how to promote your website by using a high-quality Google Maps widget, get in touch and see how your business can benefit today.

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