Best Firefox Extensions for Developers

March 06, 2021 by Ena Čavar

With the recent technological development of web browsers, Mozilla Firefox stands out the most. Mozilla Firefox became accepted worldwide among people because of its customizable features and privacy protection. It is one of the most functional open-source Internet browsers, and using it is effortless.

Having said all of that, you still have the ability to enriched your browser with some additional programs that modify the functionality of your browsers. Those programs are called Firefox extensions. They are easy to download and add to your browsers.

By adding Firefox extensions to your web browser, many developers and users have opened the doors to innovation. Firefox extensions provide great tools that enhance the accessibility and usability of the browser.

As a result, Mozilla Firefox and Firefox extensions are becoming even more rooted and prominent in the tech industry.

In this article, you will be able to find the best #Firefox extensions that will suit your needs no matter if you are doing beginner or advanced level work. Click To Tweet

Web Developer

Web Developer

One of the extensions that Firefox has to offers is Web Developer. By adding this extension, developers unlock many web development tools, such as HTML and CSS editing tools, the ability to disable styles, screenshot tools, and many more. Not only that, but it also provides a validator for HTML and CSS, which can be really helpful.



By adding ColorZilla to your Firefox browser, you are getting the ability to access the exact color on any website by using the eyedropper tool and color pallets of any website anywhere in your browser. This extension can quickly become an essential part of any web designers’ work, as it is easy and fast to use.

Font Finder (revived)

Font Finder (revived)

Like ColorZilla, Font Finder opens access to new opportunities for designers and developers by using the font inspector toolbar. By doing that, you can view any font style on any desired web page, which is excellent for businesses looking for a react developer for hire.



Tampermonkey presents developers with an easier way to operate user scripts. It provides you with an easy and detailed display of user scripts that can improve your skill when handling already written scripts or writing your own.



If you are looking for placeholder texts, then OpenLorem is perfect for you because of that simple addition. Also, it provides is review or some kind of summary that will be random. When you are starting to make or want to check how your program works with texts and speed up that process, then Open Lorem is for you.



One of the most useful Firefox extensions is Grammarly. You might have made grammatical or spelling errors. Your formatting might not be on point. Keep revising until you have reached a satisfactory version.It would help if you also ran your essay on Grammarly to ensure no potential mistakes were left. Check out Grammarly Review for plagiarism.

Students or writers are the target audience for this extension, but it should absolutely be used by developers too. It provides an easier writing experience by having a writing tool that assists you in the writing process, but it is also pretty great when you just want to check your work. Grammarly is quite advanced as it not only looks at your spelling but it can also take things like delivery, engagement, and clarity into account. The last thing that a developer should do is sound unprofessional, so Grammarly can help you in that regard.



Measure-it grants you the ability to measure not only the height and width in pixels but with it, you can also adjust the page elements. That makes it ideal when checking out the dimensions of anything you want or need on your webpage. The extension is also used when you want all of your text or logos to be equally spaced on the page.

Ghostery Insights

Ghostery Insights

Ghostery is an extension that allows you to keep your data and web activity private. Ghosterys’ main function is to block and report ads. It also provides you with the option to disable trackers that slow down your browsing experience. By doing that, Ghostery opens opportunities to clear the browser of annoying distractions and then presents you with a faster and safer browsing experience. Not only that, but it is also great for developers as Ghostery has an additional premium option. Called Ghostery insight it grants you access to forensically tracker analysis, the validation of tracking scripts, and many more options that will improve the amount of web traffic your website gets.

Cookie Quick Manager

Cookie Quick Manager

Cookies can pollute your computers and laptops, and they provide certain security risks and not to mention they can be really annoying when browsing the web. By adding the extension Cookie Quick Manager to Mozilla Firefox, developers can supervise those cookies by searching or deleting them, which they should especially do if the developers want to take care of their privacy. Those cookies can sometimes limit your browsing experience, but with these Firefox extensions, you have the freedom to edit those cookies easily.



One of the best addition to Mozilla Firefox is Autofill. Developers can take advantage of this extension because of the many opportunities it provides. Things like the automatic filling of certain fields with personal details or credit card information or filling numerous profiles with phone numbers, email addresses, and the likes. These are just some of the things that autofill can be used for.


The growth of the Internet and different technologies has opened up new possibilities for developing web browsers. Thus, Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers as it is keeping up with the times. They have many extensions that can help anyone do anything. It provides you with features to customize your browser and provides you with the ability to add programs you need for programming, which is especially handy for developers. By using Mozilla Firefox, you can discover new possibilities, especially if you are a beginner.