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Behind the Selfie Glass: A Look at How the Instagram Algorithm Works

Behind the Selfie Glass: A Look at How the Instagram Algorithm Works

It’s impossible to overstate the power and popularity of Instagram for both business and person: IGTV videos never disappear, as opposed to the 24-hour expiration date of Instagram Stories. To increase the visibility and engagement which will enrich the stories, you can buy followers.

al use. There are over 1 billion active Instagram accounts in a given month. That number is still growing, too.

Instagram has some of the highest engagement rates of any of the social media networks. Over 500 million Instagram accounts are active every day. Over 500 million accounts make daily use of the Instagram stories feature, also.

With Instagram being so popular, it should come as no surprise that they’re constantly tweaking and updating their algorithms. If you’d like a glimpse behind the curtain, here’s how the Instagram algorithm works. Click To Tweet

How The Instagram Algorithm Works

In June of 2018, Instagram rolled out an intense new algorithm update to keep up with their expanding new popularity.

Some of the things that Instagram look at:

The Instagram update is designed to bring the content that’s most relevant to them. This also means your content is likely to get seen by a lot fewer people.

Introducing Shoppable Stories

The next most extensive change to the Instagram algorithm is the introduction of shoppable stories. We all know the power of influencer marketing, that people are more likely to buy products recommended from their friends and family than they are from a paid ad, so boosting your credibility by increasing the number of your Instagram followers is the place to start and sites like AiGrow can help a lot with that. Shoppable Instagram Stories stands to be a powerful tool for brands looking to take advantage of Instagram’s business potential.


It’s also impossible to overstate the power of video in today’s busy and visually-oriented world. Video marketing and content is on the rise and isn’t going to stop any time soon.

In a bid to bring the people what they want, Instagram has launched its own video platform/TV network, IGTV. IGTV videos can be up to an hour long, as opposed to the regular 15-second limitation of regular Instagram videos.

Longform video content offers a unique opportunity to engage with your audience and form real connections. It’s also a way to increase your popularity without worrying about deadlines. IGTV videos never disappear, as opposed to the 24-hour expiration date of Instagram Stories.

Sharing Feed Posts As Stories

It’s frustrating to have to do things over and over again. To make the platform more efficient, Instagram has offered the ability to share posts from your feed to Instagram stories.

Instagram stories add a feeling of excitement to your social media profile. It gets your audience looking forward to posts from you. You should definitely be using the Stories feature if you’re not already.

Now that’s easier to do than ever, as you can share some of your favorite posts to your story now, as well.

If you’d like to learn more about how to build your Instagram engagement and popularity, check out Famoid.

Looking For More Social Media Insights?

Social media is an important part of building your online brand. It drives traffic to your website as well as building your brand awareness and recognition at the same time.

Whether you’re looking for information on the latest Instagram algorithm update or how to promote your brand, we bring you the knowledge you need to grow your online business as easily as possible.

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