Tips for Dealing with Customer Complaints

September 01, 2021 by Patricia Bennett

Customers are the lifeblood of your business, but their complaints can cause distress if you don’t handle them properly. Deal with customer complaints the right way, and you’ll be rewarded with profits and peace of mind.

Here are some pro tips on how to handle #customer complaints properly. Click To Tweet

Empathy is Everything

Many customers just want to be heard. Take an empathetic approach and try to see the issue from the perspective of the person on the other side.

Customer Complaints

“Even if the problem seems like no big deal to you, it’s a huge deal to the customer, and you need to treat it seriously, too. When you show that you truly care and behave accordingly, customers are way more forgiving.” – Olivia Young, Head of Product Design at Conscious Items.

“Put yourself on the same wavelength as the customer, whatever it takes. Imagine yourself in their situation and be creative with your problem-solving to get things accomplished fast. Speed plus empathy equals great results.” – James Sun, Founder of BeautyTap.

“Show compassion to the customer no matter what type of complaint they bring up. You’re representing the entire business in one short conversation, so maintain a positive attitude from start to finish.” – Omid Semino, CEO of Diamond Mansion.

Knowledge is Power

The customer service staff need knowledge on their side to succeed in the face of customer complaints. This is the one time it’s okay to be a know-it-all!

“Equip yourself and your employees with comprehensive knowledge on products, policies, logistics, etc. These bits of information will be invaluable when dealing with customer complaints of any size and scope.” – Seb Evans, Co-Founder of Banquist.

“Customer service reps need to think on their feet and solve problems fast. They can only do their job if they have key information at their fingertips. It’s your job as a supervisor or manager to give them what they need to succeed.” – Lucas Nudel, Founder and CEO of Pride Palace

Customer Service

“Any apps and tools you can provide your reps will make an impact on key metrics. When solving customer complaints, speed and accuracy are crucial, so use all these elements to your advantage.” – Mike Pasley, Founder of Allegiant Goods.

“Education and training are vital when building a sharp customer service workforce. These are the people on the front lines representing your business each day. Prepare them well!” – John Wu, CEO and Co-Founder of Gryphon Connect.

Uncommon Courtesy

The “kill ‘em with kindness” approach applies to almost every facet of customer service. It takes time to master but will serve you well in difficult moments.

“You can solve problems efficiently while treating people with respect and kindness. Be irrationally positive because it will make the customer feel better about the situation, too. Plus, it will buy you more time and leeway.” – Hector Gutierrez, CEO of JOI.

“Complaints happen – that’s a fact. Can you do something for the customer that makes them feel special or unique? Fixing the problem is step one. Make the experience memorable and positive, and they’ll be sure to come back.” – Lori Price, Co-Founder of PixieLane.


“It’s impossible to be too nice to a customer when they’re complaining. Just let them get it off their chest and address the issue logically – that’s how you win.” – Courtney Buhler, CEO and Founder of Sugarlash Pro.

“Thank your customer for filing a complaint and speaking out. Why? Because most will never bother to complain – they’ll just walk away.” – Speaker and Consultant Marilyn Suttle.

“Work on being kind and courteous with customers, especially if you’re in a high-ticket business and need to keep everyone happy. When you go above and beyond, you’ll be rewarded, especially when you solve problems in real-time.” – Lauren Kleinman, Co-Founder of The Quality Edit.

Lessons Learned

Within every customer, interaction is a small revelation.

Find the kernel of truth in each complaint and use this feedback to your advantage next time around.

“Your unhappiest customers are the best source of learning. Pay attention to common complaints because there is a message you need to hear.” – Bill Gates, Co-Founder of Microsoft.

“Teach your team members to walk away from a customer call with a lesson they can apply in the future. That’s how you take a team from mediocre to masterful in a short timeframe.” – Michael Jankie of Natural Patch.

“Experience is the best teacher in customer service, so view each complaint as a valuable mini-lessons along the way. Before long, you’ll have a full education and can deal with any imaginable scenario.” – Katie Kiernan, Co-Founder of Nue Life.

In the business world, customer complaints are just part of the game. Apply these insights and make the most of every encounter, good or bad.